Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

Ok... slap my hand with the ruler. I missed yesterday. But in my defense, it was a difficult day with some stressful family things going on. But I will try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

So, I'm here today... And I read a phrase that epitimizes me... "Perfectly Imperfect!". How can you describe me any better. I'm perfect at being the wreck that I am.

It's funny that I read this today, because this morning one of my friends was really getting me together. And the funniest things is when I told him, he said "nope not getting you together, just telling you the truth." I can't explain how happy I am that I have people in my life that care enough to tell me the truth.

What did I learn from it... I need to be ok being me. I am wrong sometimes, and need to own up to it, and apologize as necessary... I cannot always have what I want, and sometimes it's better for me not have it... and at the end of the day... Some people are just lame and need to be left alone...

Thanks friend!

If you don't have a friend that appreciates you being perfectly imperfect in your own way. You're missing out. We need people who can point out our imperfections, if not how would we ever grow? Don't be satisfied with people who tell you how right you are... search for the people who not only tell you you're wrong, but how and why... so that you can be better.

Peace and Blessings!

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