Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29, 2010

Ok, so I'm sticking strong with every other day for right now... I promise I will work hard to get up to the desired goal of everyday.

So, the life of Crystal Scales... I must admit has been pretty good for the last 24 hours. It's funny that the plans that I made that got changed seemed to work out better than the original plan.

Point of the Day: Plan but don't be rigid

Learn how to flow in life. This is what I am attempting to do. So I am by far no expert, but sharing my journey as I grow. I have found that when things don't appear to be working the way I thought they should, that being flexible has paid off for me.

Example: Last night I wanted to go to a particular bar downtown. I called and made a reservation; I invited friends and reminded friends of the event. When it was time to go no one was in place. One friend did come through, but it was too late to make the reservation. At that point I was contented to remain in my comfort zone and call it a night (or give up). My friend talked me into going to a different spot, one that I would have NEVER chosen. End result, two phone numbers and an absolutely lovely evening!

When life gives you lemons, don't give them back... Find some water and sugar and make some good old country lemonade!

Love you

Peace and Blessings

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

Ok... slap my hand with the ruler. I missed yesterday. But in my defense, it was a difficult day with some stressful family things going on. But I will try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

So, I'm here today... And I read a phrase that epitimizes me... "Perfectly Imperfect!". How can you describe me any better. I'm perfect at being the wreck that I am.

It's funny that I read this today, because this morning one of my friends was really getting me together. And the funniest things is when I told him, he said "nope not getting you together, just telling you the truth." I can't explain how happy I am that I have people in my life that care enough to tell me the truth.

What did I learn from it... I need to be ok being me. I am wrong sometimes, and need to own up to it, and apologize as necessary... I cannot always have what I want, and sometimes it's better for me not have it... and at the end of the day... Some people are just lame and need to be left alone...

Thanks friend!

If you don't have a friend that appreciates you being perfectly imperfect in your own way. You're missing out. We need people who can point out our imperfections, if not how would we ever grow? Don't be satisfied with people who tell you how right you are... search for the people who not only tell you you're wrong, but how and why... so that you can be better.

Peace and Blessings!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25, 2011

State of the Union Address tonight...

Does it matter if we sit together tonight, if we can't work together tomorrow?

Well, Washington.... Let's see what you are going to do.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

Alright people... here we go 2 days in a row!!! Now, I guess let's see if I can keep this up. I must say though, that I'm on a roll... I've been to the grocery store twice this month, been keeping up with eating right, and been to the gym three times this week. I guess we'll have to wait to see if it pays off on the scale Wednesday morning.

I don't really have much to say today. But I wanted to keep up the consistency.

Random thought of the day:

Isn't it funny how in the church we make good things bad?
• If the preacher is doing a good job, we say he is on fire!
• If a musician is playing their instrument well, we say "they beastin"
• If a singer is really singing... we want to throw things at them…

I know it's sounds funny if you don't go to church. But what made me think about it is I was listening to Kim Burell "killing it" on Tye Tribett's VICTORY LIVE album... And I thought to myself... "I ought to throw my shoe at her"... From the there the line of the thought flowed... It's really funny if you are not familiar with the customs...

I guess any culture's customs from the outside may seem funny. Who would ever think getting a shoe thrown in your face would be a sign of respect for your awesome talent. When it happened to George Bush, it was a sign of great disrespect. Maybe the guy thought President Bush was "beastin on em' " LOL...

Anyway... I will not ponder on forever. I'm so sore and I'm ready to hit the hay.

SN: YOGA = ABUSE.... no, not really. But for a fat person trying to get in shape, the first class seems like abuse. When I reach my goals I'm sure I'll be able to say that YOGA = RELAXATION or something like that... Lord knows I can't wait for that day to get here.

But til then I'll leave you with my tweet of the day:

"The gym may have won this battle... but I WILL WIN THE WAR!"

Peace and Blessings!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

Ok, so maybe I'll get the hang of doing this everyday... It's been a while.

What's been up?

1. Started a new position with my company - It's been going good so far. It's a lot of work, but after I get my team together, it should be all good.

2. Started a new year... I have 4 goals this year
  • Pay off my car note
  • Save money
  • Lose Weight
  • Write a book

I am actively working on the first three... I just pray for discipline that I can keep it up.

I went to the gym today and let me tell you.... YOGA is NO JOKE... It kicked my ASS!

3. Met a guy... but it's really wierd. It's a super messy situation. So, I already have to tread carefully, but then I went to his house and it was just akward....

4. Rekindled a relationship with an old guy friend, and it's cool. It's fun right now, cuz' I'm in control. It's better because I'm ready to call it quits at anytime and that gives me power.

So... writing this is a test in transparency... New goal... live a life that I can talk about openly and not worry about who reads it... Let's see how that goes...

Keep your head up and be BOLD!